By: Arsahy Alvizo
Facing a pandemic is something that none of us thought we would ever have to go through. As Covid-19 continues to affect us, it is important to be aware of how these unprecedented times are affecting your mental health. Having a small dose of fear and anxiety is normal, as this is something unfamiliar to all of us. However, when this anxiety and fear is too severe, or it occurs too frequently to where it becomes debilitating, it is important to remember that you are not alone, and you seek professional help.
Common Reactions to Covid-19
It is important to recognize that people can experience a wide range of reactions, this may be some of the reactions people may be experiencing
- Anxiety, worry, and panic
- Hopelessness
- Anger
- Social withdrawal
- Difficulty concentrating and sleeping
- Hyper-vigilance to your health and body
- Loss/Grief
Ways to Manage Fears and Anxiety Regarding Covid-19
For Adults
- Avoid excessive exposure to media coverage. Too much news will only fuel your anxiety. Set an amount of time each day to learn new information from a reliable source.
- Connect with family and friends via calls/text/ or social media.
- Practice self-care activities such as: journaling, going on walks, engaging in arts & crafts, practicing mindfulness meditation, or engaging in activities that you love and enjoy.
- Add extra time for daily stress relief
For Children
- Reassure them that they are safe
- Let them talk about their worries
- Limit their news exposure
- Create a routine & structure for them
- Practice your coping skills with them
What to do if you are Quarantining
- Keep in contact with your loved ones via phone calls, texts, and social media
- Keep yourself busy: read your favorite books, watch your favorite movies, color, or engage in indoor activities that you love and enjoy.
- Create a daily self-care routine
- Practice deep breathing exercises to help you stay calm
- Try to remember the small things in life that you are grateful about, staying positive during this time is important.
Remember we are all in this pandemic together. While we may have different backgrounds or experiences, we can use those differences to help lift up those around us. If you have anxiety or know someone who does consider the above techniques or reaching out to a therapist to discuss techniques that may be useful in your personal life.